The Youth Ministries at St. Joseph's Episcopal Church aim to bring our young people closer to God through a variety of activities that promote their spiritual and moral growth, and well-being. Our Youth Ministries are comprised of several groups: the Young People's Fellowship (YPF), the Acolyte Guild, the Youth Choir, and the participants of Sunday School, the youth focused Bible Study and Catechism program.
Through the Youth Ministries, our young people are encouraged to become involved in the Church and the community. Their impact on the community can be seen and felt as they: sing for Seniors at a local senior residence, sing for the sick and homebound during visits; volunteer for feeding programs in support of other church organizations; and donate toys annually to a local women and children's shelter.
At St. Joseph's, we believe that the youth are the leaders of tomorrow, and to ensure a better world, we must impart our wisdom, and instill confidence, morality and the importance of Christian duty to them. Our young leaders share their time, talent, and knowledge to create a welcoming and progressive Christian community.
For more information about our youth programs or to request volunteers, please contact us via email at stjosephyouthqv@gmail.com or contact the Reverend Mother Ellis via admin@stjosephqv.org
Train up a child in the way he should go,and when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverb 22:6