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The Brotherhood of St. Andrews is the one of the oldest ministries of the Episcopal Church. It was founded on November 30, 1883 at St. James’ Episcopal Church in Chicago, Illinois under the direction of Mr. James Lawrence Houghteling. A bible study group of twelve young men, under the leadership of Mr. Houghteling, recognized a need to reach out to the Homeless men, who were sleeping on the cold streets of downtown Chicago. It was these men that the fledgling Brotherhood wanted to save.


The Queens Assembly of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew was formed in the borough of Queens in 1980, and presently consists of the following 9 Chapters: St. Alban the Martyr; St. David’s Episcopal Church; St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church; Grace Church; St. James the Less; St. John the Evangelist; St. John’s Episcopal Church; St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church; and The Church of Grace and Resurrection.


The group asked permission of their rector at that time, The Rev. W. H. Vibbert, to form a Brotherhood of St. Andrew, so they could reach out and minister to men in their parish and community. Following the example of Andrew, one of the disciples, who brought his brother Peter to meet Jesus when he learned he was the “Christ.”

The 12 members had their first meeting on November 30, 1883 with the emphasis on: prayer, study of scripture and planning on how to, reach out to other men with the good news. The three disciplines the Brotherhood of St. Andrew follows are: Prayer, Study and Service. The Brotherhood members were soon recognized for their efforts and good deeds of bringing men and youth to Jesus Christ, and as early as 1886, over 100 Brotherhood of St. Andrew Chapters across US and Canada were formed. Today, the Brotherhood of St. Andrew is a worldwide ministry with chapters in Africa, Japan, the Philippines, Great Britain, Canada, Haiti and the United States.


The St. Joseph’s chapter of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew was organized in 1898. It was very active in the early history of our Church, but went defunct during the Great Depression.  After reactivating their charter in 1950, the St. Joseph’s Chapter has been a guiding force.  As a part of the Queens Assembly, Brotherhood members provide examples of faith, mentorship, leadership, and service to the greater community. The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is not merely an organization, but a ministry whose sole mission is the spread of Christ’s Kingdom among men and boys, through their disciplines.


The Queens Assembly of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew is proud to be a chapter of this esteemed ministry. Over the last 17 years, the Queens Assembly has awarded scholarships to college bound youth, many from St. Joseph’s Episcopal Church. Brotherhood members continue to participate in community service and fellowship as well as fulfilling various roles and support in their respective churches. At St. Joseph’s, members of the Brotherhood serve on many Church ministries as leaders and members.

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St. Joseph's is an Episcopal Church in the Long Island Diocese. We are a vibrant congregation faithfully committed to worship and creating a community that is based on love, compassion, and service. 


99-10 217th Lane

Queens Village, NY 11429

Phone: 718.464.8913, ext. 2

Fax: 718.464.2366


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